Wednesday, December 18, 2013

exit pass 12-18-13

My questions will lead me to answers on my research because now im doing research to find out more.

Monday, December 16, 2013

exit pass 12-16-13

my questyions can be answered through research partly, because some of the thinmgs i want to know more about i will learn.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

exit pass 12-11-13

i expect to find more arguments against gun control and for the new ridiculous laws to be repealed. i also expect to find the lord.

Monday, December 9, 2013

exit pass 12-9-13

I am doing this research because i support gun ownership and I strongly oppose gun control.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

exit pass 12-4-13

One question that i have is what is the liklihood of a federal gun ban or A federal gun laws being put into put into place in the future?

Monday, December 2, 2013

exit pass 12-2-13

i am interesrted in the topic to investigate it, i know alot about and am very into the debate, i completely support the second amendment.

Monday, November 25, 2013

exit pass 11-25-13

I already know most of the laws and differrent opinions on my topic, gun control, this will help me because now i have more information to use. Now i will not have to research everything because i already know it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

exit ticket 11-20-13

I already know some of the laws surrounding firearm ownership and the different class that they fall under. I know both sides of the argument in the gun control debate.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How I Learn

    Most people learn in different ways. There are several different learning styles. I feel like I learn in several different ways. If I pay attention enough and apply myself to getting my work done, I could probably learn in all of those methods. I feel that if most people tried hard enough, they could too.
     The best ways that I learn are by seeing things and by actually doing things. I usually have a much easier time learning something when I'm able to see it being done or if I actually do it. I don't know if this would classify me as a musical learner, but I work much better with something in the background like music. I also am able to teach my self some things, like all I need to do is just look at something to figure it out or just read a book or the instructions to figure something out.
     I have trouble learning in an auditory way. I lose focus and I'll usually just completely zone out when I have to complete assignments that require me to listen to a passage and answer questions or write about. I also have trouble reflecting on things and finding personal connections to things. I also don't like working with other people on certain assignments.

What I want to learn

    There are many things that I want to learn and know more about. I like to know as much as I can on various topics. I want to as much as I can with on different subjects that can get me a job in the field of my choice. I want to know more about engineering and learn how to do machining work.
    I already have fabrication experience and some in machining work but I want to learn as much as possible because if I an master both of these skills, I will be able to make almost anything I need to and the jobs that require these skills pay very well. The different fields that would require this knowledge that I am interested in would be mechanic work or gunsmithing. If I know how to do this in either field, I will be able to get a high paying job. There's a few different places that I will be able to learn how to machine things and learn more about how to work with different materials.
    Some of the ways that I will be able to learn can be through a college course, mechanical engineering is mainly about this, from other machinists, or by just doing it. If I just continue to do it myself, I will be able to figure out which way works best for me with different materials I will be using. I could go to college or some sort of technical school to learn this, but these jobs generally don't require you to have a diploma as long as you know how to do it. I think that the best way to learn this would be to find someone who's been doing this for a long time and to see if I can work there and learn from them.

What confuses me

      There are many different things that confuse or puzzle me. In life, school, and even some things in this class. There's a lot of things in life that even though they may make sense and I understand them, I still question why we do certain things and why we believe in them. the same thing goes for school.
      The two biggest things in life that I don't get why people believe in is our government and the various different religions. The part that I don't get is why people don't question these things. These things should be questioned and be debated over more. The two are also connected, religion does have an influence on our government. Our government is supposed to be separate from religion, but so many things do have a religious influence. Most people today believe most of what our government says is true, the same goes for religion today.
      The thing about school that confuses me is why we have to take classes that we don't actually need, there are some things that are taught to us that will not have any practical uses in the world. Some classes like math and English are needed, but they should be teaching us more about things that we need to  know to be successful in the modern world  and teach us about more things that we can actually. In my opinion, if they did this, more people would take school more seriously and some people may actually enjoy it and have an interest in it.

Monday, November 18, 2013

11-18-13 exit pass

What interests me about this topic is how people dont know what their righrts are and that they want to deprive people of what they are entitled to according to the constitution.