Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How I Learn

    Most people learn in different ways. There are several different learning styles. I feel like I learn in several different ways. If I pay attention enough and apply myself to getting my work done, I could probably learn in all of those methods. I feel that if most people tried hard enough, they could too.
     The best ways that I learn are by seeing things and by actually doing things. I usually have a much easier time learning something when I'm able to see it being done or if I actually do it. I don't know if this would classify me as a musical learner, but I work much better with something in the background like music. I also am able to teach my self some things, like all I need to do is just look at something to figure it out or just read a book or the instructions to figure something out.
     I have trouble learning in an auditory way. I lose focus and I'll usually just completely zone out when I have to complete assignments that require me to listen to a passage and answer questions or write about. I also have trouble reflecting on things and finding personal connections to things. I also don't like working with other people on certain assignments.

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